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The Snowman

Thursday, October 18, 2007

My Diary-That's It!!!

THAT'S IT!!! My form teacher expects my class to learn how to spell 464 words!!! Have to check the dictionary for the meanings of words we don't know!!!

Puff...puff...Calm down...

At least I can go to the online dictionary. I just have to copy and paste the meanings of words I don't know from the internet onto Microsoft Word. That's better!!! After that, I will just print it out. At least, it is better than writing it down. (By the way, I have finished 3/4 of these tedious and utterly stupid task.)


I know that it is a one week holiday 'cause of PSLE marking but still, my teacher's really overdoing it! AND WE ARE ONLY PRIMARY FIVE!!! After all, we still have to revise for the examinations too. Oh yes, we also have other homework.

I really hate being in the best class of a very good school. Sigh...

Monday, October 8, 2007

My Diary - Boring Life

Have you finish your homework? Study! Revise! Exam's coming! Must get good results!

Why is life so boring? All I get at home is long, long sermons when I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! Okay, I know the SA2 is around the corner, but as the saying goes "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy", I find myself getting duller by the day! At least I can use the computer secretly! Phew! Or else it will be you-know-what everyday!

I haven't finish my homework today either. One Maths revision paper left. Sob. I also have to help my form teacher type that composition! I wish I have never volunteered to do it...

I wish to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY and PLAY. OKay...maybe playing all day is a bit sickening but still! I wish to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY and PLAY!

Never mind...I will write more next time!